How to Plow the Soil in FS25?

February 17, 2025 Guides V1.5 0 Comments
How to Plow the Soil in FS25?

The first step in farming begins with plowing the soil. By plowing your fields before planting, you aerate the soil, which increases planting productivity. Periodic plow usage may be disabled in the game. First, you need to activate this setting. The open/closed status depends on the difficulty you choose when starting the game. However, you can change this setting at any point during your progress.

To change this setting, press ESC while playing your saved game, go to the Game Settings, and under the Crops and Growth section, turn on the "Periodic Plow Requirement."

Periodic Plowing Required

If this setting is already on, there is no issue. Now, let’s find out which fields need plowing. Press ESC again, go to the Map section, and select the Soil Composition tab. Click on the "Needs Plowing" section.

Soil Composition

When you approach the relevant land, you will see a warning on the right side of the field information screen, saying "Needs Plowing" in green.

Need Plowing

Now, let’s look at which type of plow we need to use. There are several categories of equipment that can replace a plow in the store.

Plows in Shop

The general plow category equipment performs a standard plowing operation. It works the soil to a depth of 20-35 cm. You can use it for crops like wheat, vegetables, sugar beets, and sunflowers in the game.

Subsoilers in Shop

Subsoilers are used for deeper plowing than standard plows. They work the soil at a depth of 40-90 cm. This equipment is typically used for deep-rooted plants or orchards. It digs deeper to increase water permeability in compacted soil.


Another category of equipment that can replace a plow is the Spaders equipment. Currently, the game features only one of these, and we’ve shared its image directly. It performs a more superficial tilling operation. It can be used for vegetable fields. The working depth is between 10-20 cm and it breaks up the hard surface soil.

There are three types of plows in the game: for crops, orchards, and vegetable fields. Each serves a different purpose. You should choose the one based on the task you are performing.

Plowing Fs25

By connecting the plow to the tractor with the required power, you can work the land and plow the soil. Here are some controls you can use with the plow:

  • Press X to unfold the folded equipment.
  • Press V to lower the plow and start plowing.
  • Press B to change the direction of the plow (If you’ve lowered the plow with the V key, raise it first before changing the direction).
  • Press Y to extend the field. This means, if you're using the plow on your land and the setting is activated with this key, the area that the plow covers will turn into cultivable land.

An important note: Since the soil physics have changed in Farming Simulator 25, plowing is a heavy task. Therefore, regardless of how powerful your tractor is, add a front weight to your tractor to prevent the row from shifting. Otherwise, the plow will cause the rows to misalign as it lifts.

When you plow the field, the color of the field will change from "Needs Plowing" to another color indicating the next requirement.

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