Category: Buildings and Objects

Multi Production V1.0

This mod contains all factories in one:bakerydairygrain flour millsugar MilloilPlantcereal factorypotato Processing Plantpreserved Food Factorysoup Factory Credits: Anaxandros Download Mod (FS25 1.2.x, Mod version 1.0 – 25.11.2024)

Big Bag Pallet Seeds V1.0

Higher capacity of seeds and lowered the price a bit (dont update in modhub otherwise will make it go back to normal will work when the game has any updates). Credits: GIANTS/HashiraMartinez Download Mod...

Medium Grain Leg Setup V1.0

A medium size Leg setup. Thanks to T.Dinz, BcbuhlerFarms and Crooked creek modding for letting me use their assets to make this. I know the Icon and store Icon are the same as the...

Curbs V1.0

Curb Pack: there are three types and each has several options (change with the F key). Options:– 2m– 4m– 8m– 16m– T-Shape– End– Rounded– Corner Credits: DanielloHQ Download Mod (FS25 1.2.x, Mod version 1.0 –...

Object Storages LE Edition V0.0.2.0

Some of you probably still know our bale and pallet storage from the LS22. As the original standard storage unfortunately doesn’t work properly, I have converted this storage for you. Until the new GE...

Fermenter Silo V1.0.1

Version 1.0.1:Fixed some small error’s in coding nodes. The fermenter converts your grass or chaff into silage. Cost 100,000 €.Speed ​​2000 l/h for both conversions. Capacity:400,000 liters of grass.400,000 liters of chaff.800,000 liters of...

Pallet Store V1.1

Version 1.1:I added two types of store one at free price another at price and the basic one at less 75% Tired of producing your palettes? with this store you can buy all the...

Rusty Sheds V1.0

Converted My FS22 Rusty Sheds to FS25 and added a new version with window less doors and no subframe, panel go to the ground. I also redone some textures on one of the other...